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About BalGokul

BalGokul is a place for children to come together, learn practice Hindu culture and heritage, understand Bharat (India) and make good friends with similar interest and background.

Gokul is the place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood days. Gokul is the place where talents, mischiefs, strength and also the divinity of Krishna blossomed. People realized that he was not an ordinary boy, but an incarnation of God. “Bal” means Child. Bal Gokul is the place for the children to enjoy together and also discover their potential and blossom to the fullest extent.

Team of Parents and Volunteers from Mangal Mandir and VHPA run BalGokul for the children.

BalGokul runs for approximately an hour and 30 minutes. The children learn Bhajans with occasional exercises, Yoga, Arts and Crafts and Games. Playing together builds the friendship, team spirit and also an enjoyable atmosphere to learn.

Collection of Memorable Moments