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इत्येते गुह्यसन्देशा यदुदेव मया हृताः

विमृश्य कर्तुं यच्चात्र क्रियतां तदनन्तरम् 


Women in this world are goddess Lakshmi’s incarnations. Lord Brahma, the father of the material world gave his blessings, authority and respected her decisions to choose her jivan sathi as her wish. This truth Lord Krishna try to teach us through his life by Rukmini swayamvar.

 रुक्मिणी संदेशः (श्रीमद्भागवतम्),, श्रीरुक्मिण्युवाच श्रुत्वा गुणान्भुवनसुन्दर शृण्वतां ते, निर्विश्य कर्णविवरैर्हरतोऽङ्गतापम्। रूपं दृशां दृशिमतामखिलार्थलाभं,त्वय्यच्युताविशति चित्तमपत्रपं मे॥

Goddess Rukmini was the daughter of Bhishmaka – the king of Vidarbha. She was courageous and bold, she fell in love with Lord Krishna. She would rather die than lose Krishna. Rukmini was all set to marry Lord Krishna. Her Brother, Rukmi, strongly denied strongly their marriage and changed Bhishmak mind. Rukmi wanted his sister Rukmini to get married to his friend Shishupal-(the crown prince of Chedi and the son of Shrutakirti who was the sister of Kunti). Rukmini came to know about the plan of not letting her marry Krishna. She wrote a very beautiful Pranaya Nivedan letter to Krishna. The letter was delivered and recited by a Brahman named Sunand.